Legislation to help resolve disputes between neighbouring building owners when one is underking buildings works which may affect an adjacent property
The Party Wall etc Act 1996 (the Act)
The Act provides a framework for preventing or resolving disputes in relation to party walls, party structures (i.e. floors between flats), boundary walls and excavations near neighbouring buildings. Anyone intending to carry out work (anywhere in England and Wales) of the kinds described below must give Adjoining Owners notice of their intentions. The Act applies even to Crown, Government and Local Authority owned property.
What work does the act cover?
The Party Wall Act covers three main types of work: -
Where work falls within the scope of the Act the Building Owner is required to notify their neighbours in order to obtain their consent; if the neighbours are not prepared to give their consent then the parties are deemed to be ‘in dispute’ under the Act and surveyors must be appointed so that the dispute can be resolved by way of a Party Wall Agreement (technically called an ‘Award’).
Why you should choose us
Each party wall matter is overseen personally by our director, John Kelly a Chartered Surveyor with many years experience in the field of party wall matters. Whilst being ably assisted by a great team, John is one of the countries leading party wall surveyors having been appointed on literally thousands of party wall matters over the years. We always provide free initial advice and offer Building Owners a very competitive fixed fee at the outset with no hidden costs. If you are an adjoining owner, our fee will be paid by your neighbour who's doing the work.
If your project falls under the provisions of the party wall act it pays to seek expert advice as early as possible. Get in touch with us today or click the button below for more information.
Have you received a party wall notice from your neighbour informing you that they are planning work which could affect your property? Contact us today for advice or click on the button below for more information